2023-02-04 11:42:00

Li Yangxiu


Ph.D in Education

Associate Professor

Supervisor of master students

Department of Educational Economics and Management

School of Politics and Public Administration

South China Normal University


Email: liyangxiu@m.scnu.edu.cn; 573847385@qq.com

Address: School of Politics and Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou Higher Education MegaCenter, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510006

Other Roles

Director of the Education Management Committee of Guangdong Education Association

Director of Guangdong Comparative Education Association

Member of China Comparative Education Association

Educational Background

Visiting scholar, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, School of Education, The University of Michigan, July 23, 2011 to August 19, 2012

PhD in Education (Comparative Higher Education), Beijing Normal University, 2002-2005

Master of Education (Comparative Education), South China Normal University, 1994-1997

Bachelor of Education (Educational Management), Jiangxi Normal University, 1988-1992 

Teaching Areas

Elementary and Secondary Educational Reform in US

Educational Administration

Comparative Educational Management

Methodology of Educational Research

Specialized English in Educational Administration

M. Ed. (Master Programs) Thesis  

Research Funding

  1. Ministry of Education of China, the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, 2017-2020, ¥100,000, Principal Investigator, “Research on the International Mobility of Faculty members Based on the Perspective of Spatial-Network- Mobility” (No. 17YJA880048). 

  2. Department of Social Sciences Planning of Guangzhou Municipal Government, Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Fund, 2019-2021, ¥15,000, Principal Investigator,“Research on the Mobility of Teachers in Universities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from the Perspective of Spatial-Network-Mobility (No. 2019GZGJ40).

  3. Guangdong Institute of Governance Modernization, 2019-2020, ¥20, 000, Principal Investigator, “Research on the Supply System of Overseas Education: Comparison among US, UK, Germany, and Sweden.”

  4. Institute of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Development in Sun Yat-sen University,2018-2019, ¥80, 000, Principal Investigator, “The Strategic Planning on the Internationalization of Education in Guangzhou City.”

  5. Ministry of Education of China, sub-project of Educational Planning Fund, 2013-2016, ¥20,000, Principal Investigator, “Research on International Competitiveness Index of Human Resources Powerful Country”(No. AGA130002).

  6. South China Normal University, 2009-2012, ¥10,000, Principal Investigator, “Comparison of American and Chinese Undergraduates on Extra Curricula Reading.”

  7. Department of Education of Guangdong province, Educational Planning Fund, 2007-2010, ¥20,000, “Post-tenure Review in American Universities: Policy Analysis andEnlightenment”(No. 06SJY002).

  8. Ministry of Education of China, Educational Planning Fund, 2006-2009, senior personnel,“Ideas of Educational Aim from the Global Perspective: A Study of UNISCO Literatures” (No. FDB060265).

  9. Department of Education of Guangdong province, 2004 to 2007, ¥100,000, Co-Principal Investigator, “The Development of Higher Vocational Education in Zhuhai City of Guangdong Province”

  10. Ministry of Education of China, 2003-2006, ¥50,000, senior personnel, “Comparative Research on Social Evaluation of Universities.”

  11. Ministry of Education of China, 2002-2003, ¥50,000, senior personnel, “Comparative Research on the Construction and the Development of Teaching Materials of Vocational Education.” 

Selected Publications

A. Books and Monographs 

1. LI, Yangxiu (in press). The Management of Chinese Language International Education from the Perspective of the Belt and Road, Science Press.

2. LI, Yangxiu (2005). A Study of Post-tenure Review Policies in American Universities. PhD Dissertation. Beijing: Graduate School of Education, Beijing Normal University.

3. LI, Yangxiu (2000). The Development of Self Management Skills of Undergraduate Students, Chapter four. Guangzhou: South China University of Science and Technology.

4. LI, Yangxiu (1997). A Study of Bilingual Education Policy in Singapore. Master of Education Thesis, Guangzhou: South China Normal Universities.

B. Articles in Core Educational Journals

1.LI, Yangxiu, HE, Yixin (2022). The dual dilemma of international mobility of college teachers in the post-pandemic era and its solutions, Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, No.4:65-70.

2.LI, Yangxiu, Deng, Weiqi (2022). Analysis on Geo-spatial Mobility of University Faculty in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Socialism, No.3: 95-103.

3.LI, Yangxiu, Deng, Weiqi (2019). Construction Path of Rationalization System of University Faculty Members' International Mobility under the Background of “Double First Class” Strategy, Shenzhen Social Sciences, No.3: 114-122.

4.LI, Yangxiu (2016). The Comprehensive Internationalization of Michigan University and Its Enlightenment for the Construction of High-level Universities, Guangdong Social Sciences, No. 5: 213-220.

5.LI, Yangxiu (2010). Towards the Origin of Academic Tenure in American Universities, Research in History of Education,No. 1: 81-85.

6.He, Qizong, LI, Yangxiu (2009). Towards the Ideas of Educational Aim from the Global Perspective. Education Science,No.4: 1-5.

7.LI, Yangxiu (2009). Post-tenure Review in American Universities: 30 Years’ Theory Research. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), No.6: 129-134.

8.LI, Yangxiu (2008). On the General Education in Higher Technical and Vocational Institutes in the Knowledge Economy Setting. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology( Social Sciences Edition), No.4:7-11.

9.LI, Yangxiu (2007). A Study of Models and Factors Promoting Post-tenure Review in American Universities. Fudan Education Forum, No.3:63-65, 75.

10.LI, Yangxiu (2006).The Design and Implementation of Internet Survey on Post-tenure Review Policies in American Universities. Comparative Education Review, No.2:57-61.

11.LI, Yangxiu (2006). Towards the Model of Professional Development of Tenured Faculty in American Universities. Exploring Education Development, No.9(B):70-75.

12.LI, Yangxiu (2004). A Study on the Lobbying Strategies by Six Higher Educational Associations in America. Comparative Education Review, No.8: 79-82, 87.

13.LI, Yangxiu (2004). On the Curricula of American Community Colleges and Their Basic Notion. Comparative Education Review, No.3: 68-72.

14.LI, Yangxiu (2004). Curriculum Analysis of Miami-Dade Community College in USA. Journal of Technology College Education, No.4: 71-75.

15.LI, Yangxiu (2004). A Comparative Study on the Associate’s Degree Curricula ofCommunity Colleges in the USA. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University (Social Sciencesedition), No.2: 103-108.

16.LI, Yangxiu (2004). Higher Vocational Education: The Dilemma of Theoretical Teaching and Practical Teaching and the Surpassing. Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College, No.2:79-82.

17.LI, Yangxiu (2003). Bilingual (Multilingual) Education in Singapore, Europe and America: Comparative and Linguistic Perspectives. Comparative Education Review, No.6: 54-58.

18.LI, Yangxiu (2002). Ten Problems of Popularization of Higher Education. Journal ofJiangxi Normal University(Social Sciences Edition),No.4: 98-101.

19.LI, Yangxiu (2001). Towards the Misunderstandings of Higher Vocational Education,Jiangxi Social Sciences, No.10: 167-170.

20.LI, Yangxiu (2000). An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Bilingual Education Policy in Singapore. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Social Sciences Edition),No.4: 90-96.

21.YANG, Wenfeng, LI, Yangxiu (2000). Ten Urgent Problems Needed to Be Solved in Higher Vocational Education. Vocational Education Forum, No.5: 28-31.

22.LI, Yangxiu (1999). Review on Singapore Bilingual Education Policy and Its Social Effects,Modern Education Forum,No.3: 48-52.

23.YUAN, Ruier, LI, Yangxiu (1998). A Study on Singapore Bilingual Education Policy. Foreign Education Research, No.4: 50-53.

24.LI, Yangxiu (1997). Towards the Standardization of School Management in Singapore. Comparative Education Review, No.2: 29-33.

25.LI, Yangxiu (1996). Towards the Model of Educational Administration in Singapore. Comparative Education Review, No.3:15-18. 


  1. Scholarship for visiting scholars by China Scholarship Council, April, 2011

  2. Excellent teacher of the “Thousand, Hundred, Ten” Teacher Development Program ofGuangdong Province (by the Department of Education in Guangdong Province, 2008)

  3. Second Prize in Philosophy and Social Sciences Dissertation Program (by Unity of 13 universities in China, 2005)

  4. Second Prize of Zeng Xianzi Scholarship (by the Department of Education in Guangdong Province,1997)

  5. Excellent Graduate Student of South China Normal University (by South China Normal University, 1996)